my shout
A Business Consultant helping companies formulate strategy and realize transformation through program/change management, process improvement, and customer experience. Specialized in extracting value from data and analytics
Areas of Expertise
A career practising the following capabilities
Insights picked up throughout my career
Pareto Charts in R and in Life
Pareto charts are a fantastic tool to visually expose the “vital few” in the “useful…
Running a Hackathon
Organizing the second annual Reno Hackathon was a privilege and a great experience. This event…
Adventures in Intrepreneurship [Template]
Business Model Canvas My Business Model Generation book is starting to look a little…
Prioritizing Investments to Delight Customers
Kano Analysis The Kano model is a great framework helping businesses understand where their…
Most of my dashboards are sequestered in corporate boardrooms, but here are examples anyone can interact with.
Data Science & BI
My data science capabilities evolved from practising Six Sigma professionally and fluctuate between hobby and career. I create machine learning at work to better serve customers and at home to scratch the curiosity itch.
The Peak of Proptech (Cluster Analysis)
Introduction This is a demonstration of visualizing, clustering, and benchmarking data that includes a…
Learning ML – Investing
The third annual Reno Hackathon proved to be another fun and inspiring weekend of…